aptly publish list

Lists repositories that have been published with aptly publish snapshot and aptly publish repo. For each repository information about endpoint, prefix and distribution is listed along with component and architecture list. Information about snapshot or local repo being published is appended to published repository description.


$ aptly publish list


  • -raw: display list in machine-readable format

Format of the list is following: endpoint:prefix/distribution [architecture list] publishes {local repo/snapshot description}. Empty prefix is displayed as ., if repository is published on local filesystem, endpoint would be empty.


$ aptly publish list
Published repositories:
  * ./sq-b [amd64, i386] publishes {main: [back3]: Snapshot from mirror [backports2]: http://mirror.yandex.ru/backports.org/ squeeze-backports}
  * s3:repo:./squeeze-backports [amd64, i386] publishes {contrib: [back3]: Snapshot from mirror [backports2]: http://mirror.yandex.ru/backports.org/ squeeze-backports}

$ aptly publish list -raw
. sq-b
. squeeze-backports